£112k public liability bill for shopkeeper after customer fall

A shopkeeper from London has reportedly been ordered to pay nearly £112,000 in compensation after a customer slipped on some fruit outside of his shop and sustained injuries.

Shop owner Onkar Singh Gill was taken to court by regular customer Samira Hassan, 57, after she fell outside his shop in Greenford, West London. She claims that there were a couple of ‘mushy’ grapes on the pavement, which she slipped on when she stopped to examine the produce outside the shop.

Ms Hassan, who claims she was wearing sensible shoes when the incident occurred, fell forwards as a result of slipping on the grapes, and broke both of her wrists. She claims this negatively affected her life, especially in terms of gaining employment. She also wanted compensation for the costs of her medical care.

After a seven year legal battle, Mr Gill was ordered to pay compensation of £111,859 to Ms Hassan. He claims that he although he has some level of professional insurance for accidents, a legal loophole may leave him liable for the full amount.

This highlights the importance for business owners of getting comprehensive public liability insurance for accidents and incidents of all kinds.

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